This day in age, you can never be too careful, especially when it comes to the electronic transfer of money. Make sure you are performing secure credit card processing with help from the Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard, or PCI DSS. The PCI DSS is a set of security guidelines for businesses that process cardholder information for a wide variety of cards, including credit, prepaid, e-purse, ATM, debit, and POS cards.
These credit card processing security guidelines are enforced by the Payment Card Industry Security Standards Council. They created these standards to gain deeper control and insight into cardholder data. This regulation allows the PCI DSS to lessen the amount of credit card fraud and ensure credit card processing security. Companies are audited each year to ensure everyone is following secure credit card processing best practices. These audits are done by a Qualified Security Assessor, or QSA. If a company processes a large number of card transactions, the QSA will develop a Report on Compliance or ROC. If a company processes a smaller number of transactions they will be audited via a Self-Assessment Questionnaire, or SAQ.
There are currently 12 requirements of credit card processing security compliance. These requirements are divided into six categories called “control objectives”. Learn more about these objectives here.
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